Your child's leg hurts and which doctor to see

If your child's knee hurts when walking and has any of the above symptoms, you should see an orthopedist, neurologist, or rheumatologist. If you are not sure which doctor to go to, consult your pediatrician first, who will refer you to the appropriate specialist. The doctor will examine you, take a medical history, and then prescribe diagnostic measures:

Causes of ingrown toenails in children

  • Lack of care - the board must be cut regularly, evenly and without curves.
  • Lack of vitamins in the diet – deformation of the nail occurs, soft tissues are injured.
  • Fungus – the surface becomes uneven, increasing the risk of disease.
  • Clubfoot - the foot does not distribute the load evenly.
  • Rickets – the nails are too thin and brittle.
  • Ill-fitting footwear - narrow, tight shoes that compress the foot and cause ingrowths.
  • Genetic predisposition - if close relatives are prone to ingrown toenails, the child's nails should be closely monitored.
  • Trauma – when a child stubs or cuts their toe, pathology can occur.

The manifestation of onychocryptosis in children is difficult to recognize if the child cannot explain what is bothering him. The mother may notice swelling and redness of the nail bed. If pus is secreted, a doctor should be consulted to treat and bandage the affected area. Doing this on your own can make the problem worse and require the removal of the child's ingrown toenail.

  • pain that gradually increases;
  • redness and swelling if an infection occurs that leads to an abscess;
  • pollution of the nail from the soft tissues;
  • Increase in body temperature due to inflammation.

effects of the problem

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner so as not to aggravate the situation and avoid complications. An ingrown nail puts the affected area at risk of infection. This can lead to an abscess.

Untreated ingrown nails can lead to abscesses, osteomyelitis, and septicemia. In children, the infection spreads quickly. It is especially dangerous for weakened children with diabetes. Source:
IP Zhurilo, VK Litovka, GA Sopov, KV Latyshov, IN Inozemtsev
The problem of ingrown nails in children // Child Health, 2012, ¹ 2(37), pp.139-141

Doctors take the problem of an ingrown toenail seriously and recommend prompt treatment and a series of measures.


First, a distinction is made between acute and chronic myalgia in children. The acute form occurs suddenly, has a short course and quickly passes with appropriate therapy. The chronic form of the disease lasts for a long time and is usually associated with severe abnormalities in bone structure, muscle disorders and autoimmune diseases.

Depending on the localization and clinical characteristics, a distinction is made between:

  • intercostal myalgia, which occurs in most cases after overstretching or inflammation of muscle tissue, worsens with sudden, intense movements and lasts 3 to 6 days;
  • epidemic myalgia (Bornholm disease) caused by acute viral infections and stressful situations;
  • myofascial myalgia, which results from degenerative diseases of the nervous system and is accompanied by repeated involuntary muscle contractions.

Myalgia develops in three main stages:

  • The first phase is characterized by localized pain in the area of the affected muscle;
  • The second phase is characterized by an intensification of the pain syndrome, which usually occurs in the evening and at night;
  • The third stage is that of widespread pain that does not stop and disturbs the child even during sleep.

Causes of muscle pain in children

Since the muscles in the human body are not only involved in the musculoskeletal system, but also many internal organs are lined with muscles, there are many factors that can lead to myalgia. The most important include:

  • All kinds of injuries: sprained and torn ligaments, severe bruises, broken bones;
  • Thermal and chemical damage to muscle fibers;
  • infectious inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • Excessive muscle strain, especially in children without proper physical training;
  • Various vascular diseases;
  • Conditions in which the child has a congenital metabolic disorder;
  • endocrine abnormalities;
  • Certain electrolyte disorders;
  • Toxic damage to the body, including after taking medication;
  • Neurogenic and idiopathic myopathies;
  • dehydration;
  • infectious myositis.

Muscle pain in children can also be a symptom of another disease, e.g. B. amyloidosis, diabetes, tuberculosis, parasitic lesions in the body, as well as acute respiratory infections, influenza, post-vaccination syndrome.

wounds and abrasions

Only superficial abrasions (bruised knees, elbows and other parts of the body) and small, unclean cuts (e.g. a child cutting bread and injuring a finger) can be treated independently. If the bleeding stops after treatment with hydrogen peroxide, antiseptics and a bandage, you can do without a doctor.

In other cases: If the wound is deep, bleeding profusely and contaminated with soil, you should visit a trauma center.

If your child is bitten by an animal, be sure to go to the emergency room! Even if it's just a small scratch, it doesn't hurt and hardly bleeds. The rabies virus can enter the wound with the saliva, so it is important to treat the wound properly and administer a rabies serum.

How do you ease the pain of an injured child?

It is almost pointless to give painkillers to an injured child who is crying out in pain. An ambulance should be called immediately. The emergency doctors arrive faster than the drugs take effect and use stronger and faster painkillers given by injection.

Pharmacological analgesics are useful in the recovery period, e.g. For example, when a child has a sprain, the wound has been tended, a band-aid has been put on, the anesthetic wears off and the pain sets in. In children under 12 years of age, paracetamol, ibuprofen or analgesics can be used in age-appropriate doses for this purpose. Children over 12 years of age can be given 'adult' painkillers such as ketorolac, nimesulide, etc.

Leg pain and exercise

Can exercise cause leg pain? This question is often asked by parents whose children have played sports regularly from an early age. Some mothers and fathers tend to make an analogy between excessive physical activity and pain in their child. While it's true that legs can hurt after exercising, that pain is very different from the pain caused by scoliosis. After exercise, the legs tend to 'hum' and feel uncomfortable, which increases with walking, ie the pain is not localized. This pain subsides when the child rests. However, when there is a problem with the spine, the pain is constant and localized and can be very severe.

Why is it necessary to see a doctor for foot pain?

As we have already mentioned, leg pain can be physiological in nature. However, you shouldn't dismiss all pains as growing pains and expect them to go away on their own over time. Leg pain may go away on its own once the growth phase is over, but if it was caused by birth trauma or scoliosis, it may return sooner or later. Therefore, if your child has pain in his legs, it is better to refrain from self-medication and make an appointment with the doctor. By the way, you don't necessarily have to go to a clinic for this, it's enough to dial the right phone number.

Birth trauma can also cause other problems, such as:

  • hyperactivity;
  • delayed language development;
  • problems with concentration;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Valgus foot deformities.

According to the doctors, parents with children who have more than one of these symptoms often turn to them. And, as a rule, all these pathological phenomena simply go unnoticed or are not given special attention by parents. That is very unfortunate. If a child exhibits any worrisome symptoms, they should always be seen by a doctor. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment can significantly alleviate the child's condition. As a rule, after treatment, the pain in the area of the leg decreases significantly and after some time completely disappears, as well as other symptoms of birth trauma.

types of disease

One of the criteria for classification is. the cause of the problem. Based on this, the myopathies are classified:

After the place of weakness. The disease can be:

There are also. The following forms of the disease:

  • Pseudohypertrophic (Duchenne-Griesinger). Occurs between the ages of 3-6 years, rarely before the first year of life. It mainly affects the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Accompanying changes: breathing and cardiac muscle weakness. There is a high probability of death before adulthood.
  • Landuzi Dejerina. Begins between the ages of 10-15 and affects the face. The facial muscles weaken, the lips protrude and thicken, and the patient often cannot close the eyelids. The lower muscles are involved up to the shoulder girdle.
  • Erba Rotta (teen). Begins between ages 10 and 20 and affects mostly boys. Runs from top to bottom or bottom to top, rarely all over body or face at once.

Important!!! Congenital myopathy is one of the most severe forms in children and is often fatal. Your treatment is limited to improving vitality and begins in the first few months after birth. The main goal of treatment is to prevent respiratory failure and tube feeding. As the child ages, orthopedic treatment, physical therapy, and social adjustment are required.

Therapeutic methods

Important!!! The earlier a child is treated, the better his or her chances of having a reasonably good quality of life.

Treatment consists of the following measures:

  • injection of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP) in courses;
  • iontophoresis;
  • vitaminization;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation;
  • Massage;
  • application of orthopedic corrective measures to the patient;
  • use of drugs to improve neuromuscular conductivity;
  • Hormone therapy;
  • etc.

The hereditary form of the disease cannot be completely cured, but targeted treatment of the main symptoms is possible:

Surgical intervention is sometimes required. It aims to correct the scoliosis resulting from the underlying disease.

Promising therapies for myopathy include the use of stem cells and gene therapy.

specificity of treatment

The treatment plan is conservative in most cases. Surgical intervention is rarely necessary if the child has pain below the knee:

Therapeutic management is comprehensive and encompasses.

  • the administration of medication;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • supporting methods (massage, acupuncture, etc.);
  • Normalization of nutrition and rest.

The integrated approach eliminates pain, swelling and inflammation and provides the body with essential substances, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, strengthens local immunity and restores normal joint structure.

All 'Halo!' clinics have the modern equipment required for early diagnosis of joint pathologies. The experienced and caring nursing staff makes sure that the young patients feel comfortable during the treatment, and the use of classic and modern techniques allows for a speedy recovery.

Causes of foot pain in children

Causes of foot pain in children

Foot pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle and long bed rest can be considered physiological and therefore do not require treatment - resuming physical activity in children will quickly eliminate the pain.

Children who are in pain after physical exertion and who do not have other symptoms should be carefully evaluated by specialist doctors. Such symptoms can be early signs of foot insufficiency resulting from inadequate calcium intake or absorption. Such a deficiency can be a classic symptom of rickets and related diseases or even osteomalacia (softening of the bones).

Rapid weight gain or prolonged physical activity, when children complain of foot pain because they have to walk a lot, can also cause foot pain.

Foot pain caused by misalignment of the metatarsal bones is not uncommon. The abnormal bone development in the foot compresses the sensory nerve endings and causes pain.

Because of their curiosity and active exploration of the world, children often suffer injuries that can also cause foot pain when walking. When consulting a trauma surgeon, the doctor can diagnose dislocations at different levels.

Because flat feet are common in preschool and school-age children, foot pain while walking is not uncommon. The anatomical structures of the foot bones cannot fully fulfill their cushioning function, which leads to a rapid onset of pain and fatigue, which occurs mainly after or even during running.

Equally common causes of foot pain are ingrown toenails and bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule). Foot pain in children is often associated with wearing unsuitable, narrow and undersized shoes that constrict the foot, as well as oversized shoes bought with 'growing' in mind. The weight to be lifted and the instability of the foot increase the stress on the muscles, causing them to tire quickly and cause pain.

Causes of foot pain when walking during pregnancy

Causes of foot pain in pregnancy

Pregnancy takes a toll on the whole body, and often all the flaws in health make themselves felt. Foot pain with pregnancy-related causes is not uncommon. Any changes in the body of the expectant mother - rapid weight gain, reduced physical activity, toxicosis, the need to rest more - affect the overall condition and can provoke pain in the feet when walking.

Diffuse foot pain when walking in pregnancy is associated with rapid weight gain, especially if the expectant mother is prone to swelling. Diseases such as arthritis and various circulatory disorders in the foot area are not excluded, which lead to damage to nerve endings and the development of pain.

Age-related changes also cause pain in the foot when walking. The reason for this is that with age, the fat layer in the area of the bone head in the foot decreases, which affects the cushioning of the foot. As a result, the joint capsules of the bursa of the foot are compressed - synovitis is the result. The classic symptom of synovitis is pain, aggravated by exertion, and an increase in temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflamed joint.

A specific cause of foot pain is a neuroma – a growth of benign nerve tissue. In most cases, neuromas are diagnosed in women. While the pain is moderate and barely noticeable in the early stages and does not cause any discomfort, as it progresses it can become significantly worse, making normal activities impossible. During pregnancy, women often complain of a stone hidden under the skin (often in the thumb area).

Pregnancy doesn't rule out trauma, which can also cause foot pain when walking — sprains, falls, and even fractures. It is worth remembering that flat feet can develop not only in children, but also in adulthood, e.g. B. after a broken leg, prolonged static loads in women who are on their feet for long periods of time (beauty salon workers, shop assistants, etc.), and pregnancy complicates the situation.

Non-articular causes of pain

meniscus pain – are usually due to trauma and affect a single joint. They are more common in children aged 10 to 12 years. They are disruptive during exertion and are concentrated on the ankle joint prominence where the meniscus is damaged.

osteochondral – Affects a joint, more commonly in the leg, occurs in children 8-10 years of age. The mechanism for this type of pain can be due to inappropriate exercise. However, the exact cause is not known. The pain occurs with exertion and is confined to one joint.

pain in the knee jointIn addition to osteochondropathy and abnormal dislocations, it can be caused by high kneecap position, chondromalacia, and metatarsophalangeal folding syndrome.

Stress-related foot pain – can be caused by various bony connections, congenital foot defects, joint stiffness syndromes and systemic skeletal abnormalities.

Musculoskeletal pain and 'enthesiological – Variants of chronic and acute pathology (post-traumatic, transient, etc.). Primary enthesopathy is a symptom of SEA syndrome or juvenile arthritis. The secondary arises against the background of an underlying orthopedic disease.

Joint Syndrome – Pain of varying degrees of severity, most commonly affecting the hips, ankles and knees. The elbow and shoulder joints are less commonly affected. This pain is accompanied by inflammation. The pain is confined to a joint and tendon and muscle component, or to the area where the tendon attaches to the bone.

Pain due to hypermobility Affects children of preschool and elementary school age. May be symmetrical, sporadic, and appear on the front of the lower limbs. In some cases, the ankle and knee joints are also affected. Most often, the pain occurs at night and in the evening, before physical exertion. This pain syndrome is myalgia resulting from overstretching of the lower leg muscles with a weak capsule and ligament component. In many literature sources this condition is referred to as 'growing pains'.. Parents should be concerned about their child's night pains as they can be associated with swelling, particularly with fever and profuse sweating.

arthritis in children

Arthritis is a cause of long-term joint pain in children. The joint sac is rich in lymphoid cells which, like the lymph nodes, mount an immune response to foreign microorganisms. Lymphoid cells secrete biologically active substances that act on sensitive nerve endings and cause pain. The main symptoms that indicate this disease are.

  1. Limited mobility of the affected joints. If the child cannot walk yet, they will try not to make any sudden movements with their leg or foot. Older children limp (unless they have previously suffered an injury or a fall) and try to hold the affected limb in place;
  2. rise in temperature. In acute arthritis, the thermometer can read up to 38-39 °C, and in chronic arthritis there can be a persistent subfebrile state (around 37 °C);
  3. reddening of the skin on the affected area;
  4. general lethargy;
  5. possible swelling of the affected joint.

If one or more of the above symptoms appear, the child should see a pediatrician immediately, who will order the necessary tests and examinations to establish or confirm the diagnosis. If your child has ankle pain, their range of motion should be restricted until the cause is identified and treatment is prescribed.

What should I do if my child's feet hurt?

Taking antibiotics and painkillers alone can only damage your health: they can trigger secondary diseases or accelerate the progression of the underlying disease. If the pain is severe or persistent, a pediatrician or orthopedist should be consulted. A comprehensive diagnosis will help to answer the question of why your child's feet hurt:

Note: X-rays can only show joint and spine deformations, but do not provide any information about the condition of the spinal cord, nerve endings and vessels. Don't be averse to your doctor recommending tests such as MRI and CT scans: these will help determine the cause of your pain.

Peculiarities of the treatment

Treating leg pain usually involves several conservative methods. Surgical intervention is required only when there is significant destruction of muscle tissue or accumulation of pus, as well as in some heart diseases.

In the early stages, foot disease is treated with:

Comprehensive therapy eliminates inflammation and pain, normalizes blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition, strengthens muscles and ligaments, and creates the conditions for healthy, harmonious development of the body. With the right help, even serious diseases such as infectious arthritis can be treated effectively and without long-term consequences for the body.

In the 'Hello!' clinic network, all options are available for the early and accurate diagnosis of diseases that cause leg pain. Experienced and caring nursing staff ensure a comfortable treatment environment, and the development of an individual treatment plan for each patient eliminates the risk of complications.

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